5 Benefits of Hiring Employees with Disabilities

     In Indonesia, efforts to provide protection and rights for workers with disabilities without discrimination have been regulated in Law No. 8 year 2016 on People with Disabilities. In this case, people with disabilities can be employed and given more advantages within the company.

     Hiring people with disabilities is not about charity, but about smart business. We provide the five benefit of hiring disabled employee from various sources: 

  1. Increase the company profits

     In 2018, a study by Accenture in partnership with American Association of People with Disabilities and Disability reports that business that employ disabled people outperform business that do not. Their incomes were 28% higher, net income was two times more, and profit margins were higher by 30%.

  1. Build the company’s reputation

     Hiring disabled employees may create a more positive image for your company. If the company still on a small scale, you can establish a reputation as a company that offers opportunity for disabled workers. It can make your company more attractive to prospective employees, business associates, and customers. Also, other companies in your area could be inspired to follow your idea, and make a more diverse business atmosphere. 

  1. Develop the talent pool 

     Talent with disabilities may bring alternative perspectives for getting a job done, solving a problem, and reaching a goal. Their unique perspective and life experience can offer innovative ideas. For the companies that facing serous talent shortages, disabled employees may offer a great value proposition. They not only bring expertise and experience, but also help organizations by creating a more inclusive workplace culture. 

  1. Increase diversity in the workplace

     Diversity is good for business. When employees have different experiences work together, they can find creative solutions to problems because they have a better understanding. Besides, people with disabilities have additional insight into your customers who have also disabilities. They can help you to adjust your products. It is an important thing to several markets that have not been focused on disabled people. 

  1. High work quality

     There’s a stereotype that people who live with a disability are less capable. On the other hand, the Maxim Institute has found that the job performance of disabled worker is often better than people without disabilities. Moreover, a study mentioned that disabled worker took far fewer days absent compared to worker without disabilities.



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